You’re absolutely right!
For London’s black-cab drivers, buying a taxi that runs on electricity would set them back almost £70,000!
What’s even more shocking, is that there is currently no financial support available for cabbies to buy one of these greener taxis.
Until recently, licensed taxi drivers were supported to make the switch to electric; they could make use of a funded scrappage scheme and lower borrowing costs when purchasing electric vehicles. This support no longer exists. Taxi drivers can get some help to cover the cost of getting a charge point at home, but even this is due to end in April next year.
Transport for London’s new strategy is to only give new licences to electric vehicles, and just wait until the remaining diesel cabs to come off the road. This means that, once their twelve-year legal lifespan comes to an end, cab drivers of diesel taxis are now forced to either shell out for new electric taxis or stop being cabbies altogether.
We’ve teamed up with London’s black-cab drivers and the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association (LTDA) to win support for cab drivers who want to switch to electric. Together, we can draw attention to the barriers that London’s taxi drivers are facing, and make the case for government support.
Are you with us?
*Find out more about our Cabbies for the Climate campaign.