You have a heat pump already - nice work! 

As one of the early adopters, you have a vital role to play in helping more people to make the switch too.

Whether it’s inviting your neighbours to have a look at your heat pump first-hand, or joining a call to talk about your experience of having it installed, as someone who has already made the switch to clean heat, you can help more feel ready to do the same

You’ll know better than anyone, that switching your home heating system can be daunting. So we want to create a team of heat pump owners who are willing to answer questions and share their experiences to put people at ease and inspire more people to follow your lead. 

Sign up to let us know you’re up for being part of the heat pump team.

Why me?

We have a vision to roll out heat pumps in every home in the UK, but changing peoples’ home heating systems is not easy. People are used to what they have, and change is inconvenient to say the least. What’s more, it can be difficult to get reliable information online. It’s natural to have questions, and it’s hard to know which sources to trust, and it can be difficult to just find a human being to just talk to (who isn’t trying to sell you something). As someone who has been through the process of getting a heat pump, and has hands-on experience of living with one, you can give an honest account of what’s involved, and build people’s confidence in making the switch.

Sign up below if you’re happy to help others understand what it’s like to have a heat pump.