Climate charity unveils visions of Bristol with fewer cars created with local residents

Climate charity Possible has unveiled a vision of Newfoundland Circus in Bristol reimagined as a people-friendly, climate-conscious environment with fewer cars. The vision has also been placed on a billboard on Newfoundland Circus.

Newfoundland Circus is currently a highly car-dominated space and with Bristol being announced as the second most congested city in the UK, it’s imperative that there is a reimagining of such spaces in order for them to work for people rather than cars.

Possible has also produced a visualisation of Chelsea Road in Easton with much fewer cars that was created after consulting with a group of local residents from diverse backgrounds.

Last night, Possible unveiled both of these visions to the public with residents, the wider public, campaigners and local councillors all present to show them what the future could look like, discuss how we could get there, and the impacts such changes would have on people’s lives and on the climate. To help support attendees of the event Brompton provided codes so they could trial their cycle hire for free.

In Autumn 2022, Possible talked to people who live close to Chelsea Road in Easton about what they would want to see change on the street. After holding three workshops with 8 residents to shape the vision, and interviewing experts, Possible went on to envision Chelsea Road in Easton free from car dependency.

Chelsea Road is a two-way street with a combination of homes and businesses. Cars are parked either side and often on pavements. This makes it hard to see the road from the pavement and means there are few passing places for road users.

Outside of rush hours, some car users speed along above the 20mph speed limit, and during busy periods there is a lot of congestion and some conflict between vehicle users of all types. On bin day (in particular), many of the pavements are not easily usable, causing people to walk or wheel in the road and adding to the hostility to walkers, wheelers and cyclists.

The organisation Fare City, produced a report outlining conclusions from expert interviews which informed the workshops with residents, and the final visions.

Possible is calling on local authorities and the public to use these visions so they can be bolder in reimagining the future of their cities and take action to address car dominance.

Rob Bryher, car free Bristol campaigner at climate charity Possible, said:

“I’m thrilled to unveil these visions for the future of Newfoundland Circus and Chelsea Road. In order to meet our climate goals, it’s essential that we get people driving less. That shouldn’t make us feel trepidation but excitement. And these visions embody that excitement. They are green, vibrant, and allow a diverse range of people to travel easily and would give the people of Bristol more travel options, not fewer. Our cities have the potential to be wonderful places to live and tools to combat climate change - let’s make that change.”


Notes to editors:

Images of the billboard and car free visions can be found HERE.

Please find the Fare City report HERE.

For media enquiries and further information please contact or 07806431577.

  • Rob Bryher, car free Bristol campaigner at climate charity Possible,  is available for comment. Please contact for more information.

  • Possible is a UK-based charity that brings people together to take positive, practical action on climate change. Combining individual and local actions with larger systemic change, we connect people with each other, and communities with ways to address the climate crisis.

Alex Killeen