Local residents plant 660 trees in one day with climate charity

On Saturday 12 March local residents and supporters of climate charity Possible joined forces to plant 660 trees in Crown Meadow in Bridgnorth. The trees and new, 150m hedge will draw down CO2 from the atmosphere while providing valuable refuges for native wildlife.

In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, Lara was bored with the geography homework she’d been set for lockdown. As planting trees is vital in the UK’s effort in reducing its climate impact, and the fact that it’s not happening fast enough, Lara, then aged 9, decided to step in to make the change herself in her local town of Bridgnorth. She, and her father, scouted out potential planting spots, sought permission from the council and found us so that we could help her plant trees when the planting season came around. With lockdown having suspended planting season twice, it’s finally time for Lara to realise her vision!

A 150m long hedge has been planted in front of a mural Possible commissioned through local artist Matt Sewell. The mural features birds commonly found in hedgerows and the park.

These activities will help Bridgnorth increase its carbon drawdown and wildlife habitats, and enable communities to engage and discuss how we can address the nature and climate crises.

Climate charity Possible exists in order to provide the general public with meaningful opportunities to take climate action that also give rise to other benefits. With tree-planting events they give the public real opportunities to take action on climate and wildlife - something that can feel monumentally difficult. 

Possible has been working with local communities to help deliver local tree planting since 2018. Delivered through public planting weekends, Possible links up local community members and our supporters from around the country to volunteer to plant trees and hedges. This year Possible has planted over 20,000 trees and added over 4km of new hedgerows to the UK’s total.

Neil Jones, campaigner at climate charity Possible, said:

“Tree-planting is always an enjoyable and rewarding experience for Possible and all of our volunteers. It's been a pleasure to work with Lara in achieving her vision of a successful planting session and all the volunteers had an absolute blast. The new hedge and mural will be fantastic for local residents as well as drawing down carbon and providing valuable urban wildlife refuges. By connecting communities from all walks of life, our tree-planting sessions benefit both the climate and nature.”

Local girl, Lara, who started the efforts to increase the number of trees in Bridgnorth with this session, said:

“It’s really amazing because it took a very long time for it to happen. I originally came up with the idea during the first lockdown so it’s kind of just been an idea until now. I wanted to do something about climate change and, at the same time, show people that you don’t have to be scared of it because we can do something. So, yea, it’s really nice to finally get the planting done.”


Notes to editors:

For media enquiries and further information please contact press@wearepossible.org or 07806431577.

  • Neil Jones, campaigner at climate charity Possible, is available for comment. Please contact press@wearepossible.org for more information.

  • Possible is a UK-based charity that brings people together to take positive, practical action on climate change. Combining individual and local actions with larger systemic change, we connect people with each other, and communities with ways to address the climate crisis. wearepossible.org.

  • Possible changed its name from 10:10 Climate Action on 10th October 2019.

Alex Killeen