New annual challenge calls on the public to go car free for July

Going Car Free 2022, produced by climate charity Possible, is launching in July, and is gathering sign ups now. This new annual challenge will encourage participants to cut their car use by taking more low-carbon transport or giving up their car for an entire month.

In the vein of similar environmentally-themed, month-long challenges like Veganuary and No Mow May, Going Car Free will be looking to make a positive climate impact while giving participants the freedom to design their experience so no matter their circumstances or access needs, they can still take part.

Challenges, including replacing their weekly grocery shop journey, commute or school run with a low-carbon transport alternative, going car free for an entire week or month, or simply getting a friend or neighbour to take part, will help participants tailor their experience while still providing them with a valuable challenge that can help them reevaluate their relationship with private cars.

Possible ran a pilot scheme earlier in the year in order to identify key barriers to going car free. In the midst of the cost of living crisis the ten participants saved £8.78 a week on average between them - potential savings of just over £450 a year - and started shopping locally and exploring their local areas more. After the trial, all participants reported using their cars less or using sustainable modes for some journeys, with some even selling their cars.

Between them, they also saved 372kg of CO2 with Possible estimating that if 10,000 people took part in Going Car Free 2022 for the full month then there would be carbon savings of 549tCO2 - equivalent to the amount of carbon absorbed by over 26,000 trees in a year.

With transport emissions making up 27% of all UK greenhouse gas emissions - and cars accounting for over half of this total - we need to cut car use in order to keep ourselves in line with UK targets. Past studies have found that one of the most impactful actions an individual can take to reduce their climate impact is living car free. This challenge seeks to help people slash their car use, reevaluate how large a component their cars are in their lives and set them on a journey to going car free.

Those taking part have the chance to win prizes from Brompton, Cycle Chic, Cycle Spirit Joe’s Tea Co and Kabloom, will receive discount codes from Voi Technology, Co-Wheels, Enterprise Car Club, Cycle Chic, Cycle Spirit, Carry Me Bikes and Peddle My Wheels, and will also get free membership to Green Squirrel’s online community The Something Club.

Sandra Green, car free Birmingham campaigner at climate charity Possible, said:

“It’s brilliant to finally unveil this challenge to the public. After running our trial earlier in the year, it was clear that just sampling the car free lifestyle gave people an appetite to take it further. Going Car Free has the potential to have a huge impact on people’s behaviour and emissions. I can’t wait for more people to try out car free living and discover the joys of active travel, explore local shops and attractions and slash their climate impact.”


Notes to editors:

Link to sign-up HERE.

For media enquiries and further information please contact or 07806431577.

  • Sandra Green, car free Birmingham campaigner and Hirra Khan Adeogun, Head of Car Free Cities, at climate charity Possible are available for comment. Please contact for more information.

  • Possible is a UK-based charity that brings people together to take positive, practical action on climate change. Combining individual and local actions with larger systemic change, we connect people with each other, and communities with ways to address the climate crisis.

  • Possible changed its name from 10:10 Climate Action on 10th October 2019.

Alex Killeen