Ride the Change sets off from London to Glasgow to inspire climate action ahead of COP26

The Ride the Change bike ride from London to Glasgow is setting off from the Tea House Theatre in Vauxhall, riding through Parliament Square and then covering 475 miles ending in Glasgow over the course of seven and a half days - just in time for the commencement of the UN climate conference, COP26. 

With a focus on fun and sociability, the riders will be sponsored by friends and family who will pledge everyday sustainable behaviour changes, via the Do Nation pledge platform, to help combat climate change.

None of the over 175 cyclists taking part are professionals, just a group of ordinary people who are passionate about climate change and sustainability, and aim to inspire others by raising support with climate action pledges - promises from people around the UK to take action to address climate change - rather than cash donations.

The event is a collaboration between Possible, Do Nation, Adventure Uncovered, Brake the Cycle and Arup with headline sponsor Abel & Cole, silver sponsor Symprove and bronze sponsors, Cayley Coughtrie and AECOM. This is the biggest ride that Do Nation and Adventure Uncovered have ever organised and people from the NHS, Arup, Unilever, AECOM, C-Capture, Leap Eco, CRA, Anthesis, Abel & Cole, Brompton and Lego will be joining legs of the journey as well.

COP26 provides a golden opportunity for people and organisations all around the country to make a change and have their voice heard on the issue of climate change. As the ride builds a network of like-minded individuals along its route, it will aim to show leaders and communities around the country how achievable generating grassroots climate action is and how vital it will be for our futures.

Patrik Ewe, Head of development at climate charity Possible, said:

“We’re thrilled to be co-organisers of Ride the Change, helping inspire and initiate climate action across the country ahead of COP26. It’s vital that we acknowledge moments like COP26 as the turning points they can be and use them as opportunities to show decision-makers, both nationally and internationally, how achievable climate action can be at grassroots and government levels but also that it has a broad church of support. People up and down the country are resounding, they want more done on climate change, it is now the job of politicians and world leaders alike to heed the call.”

Hermione Taylor, founder and CEO of Do Nation, said:

“This year marks Do Nation’s 10th anniversary, and as an organisation borne from a bike ride, what better way to celebrate that than with a big cycle ride to COP26? Do Nation was conceived when I cycled from London to Morocco and asked people to support me through personal climate action pledges instead of cash. Ten years on, climate action is more necessary than ever and I’m incredibly proud not only to be part of the Ride the Change organising team but also one of the cyclists. We’re aiming to raise a collective 5,000 climate action pledges from friends, family and colleagues, from eating less meat to switching to an ethical bank. Together, our actions really do add up to make a bigger difference. And I know from experience that those pledges will keep me motivated as I cycle through wind, rain, and dusk!”

Stef Sahmel, Head of Sustainability at Abel & Cole said:

“Abel & Cole are thrilled to be sponsoring Ride the Change, and to have our own team of cyclists join the ride from London to Glasgow. As climate change becomes an increasingly pressing issue, we want to inspire as many people as possible to do their bit, from driving less to joining community projects such as tree-planting. COP26 should be a platform for everyone to encourage policymakers to take action, and we want to draw as much attention to it as possible.”

Route breakdown as follows: 

  • Day 1 (24th October) - London to Oxford, 70.3 miles, 5.25 hours.

  • Day 2 (25th October) - Oxford to Coventry, 65.1 miles, 5 hours.

  • Day 3 (26th October ) - Coventry to Stoke, 65.7 miles, 5 hours.

  • Day 4 (27th October) - Stoke to Preston, 75 miles, 6 hours.

  • Day 5 (28th October) - Preston to Penrith, 89.3 miles, 7 hours.

  • Day 6 (29th October) - Penrith to Dumfries, 61.7 miles, 4.5 hours.

  • Day 7  (30th October) - Dumfries to East Kilbride, 73.7 miles, 5.25 hours.

  • Day 7.5 (31st October) - East Kilbride to Glasgow, 7.3 miles, 1.5 hours.


Notes to editors:

For media enquiries and further information please contact press@wearepossible.org or 07806431577.

For more information about the ride please click HERE.

If you would like to join Ride the Change, for a day or two, please do contact press@wearepossible.org and we will put you in touch with the ride organisers.

  • If you would like to speak to a representative of Ride the Change please contact press@wearepossible.org for more information.

  • Possible is a UK based charity that brings people together to take positive, practical action on climate change. Combining individual and local actions with larger systemic change, we connect people with each other, and communities with ways to address the climate crisis. wearepossible.org.

  • Possible changed its name from 10:10 Climate Action on 10th October 2019.

Alex Killeen