“I’ve done my journeys, but that’s enough for me.”
Thanks for smashing through your Stride and Ride 5. Are you sure you’re not up for another go? Perhaps you could try switching modes - if walking isn’t your thing, is there a bike you could have a go on? Or if two wheels is too much - a slower pace on your feet might be what you need.
Lots of people are taking Stride and Ride to the next level, and committing to do 100km of active travel in a month. It might sound a lot- but it’s only 3 kilometres a day...and you can set your own target if you’d prefer. Plus - by taking part you can enter the draw to win a brand new folding Brompton bike! Go on...
Even if you’re not able to continue, we hope you enjoyed it. Would you be up for getting others to stride and ride too?
There might be lots of reasons why this wasn't up your street. Luckily, if you’re still keen on taking action on the climate crisis, there are lots of other ways you can keep involved:
1. Write to you MP
If you don’t feel like you want to continue because of obstacles like dangerous roads, pollution or lack of access to kit and training - it’s really important your MP and local councillors hear about your experience so that gets fixed ASAP. You can use our pre-filled email to MPs (if you haven’t done this already), or use Write to Them to easily write your own email to your councillors too.
2. Tell us about your experience
We would love to hear your experience, what you found difficult - or fun! - about taking the pledge. Join the Stride and Ride Facebook Group or email us on hello@wearepossible.org to share your story. Let us know how we can help you encourage more people to join Stride and Ride using the online form.