Leo Murray

leo in grey shirt. he is speaking in front of an image of solar panels.

I make sure that Possible's campaigns punch well above our weight - generating new ideas, spotting threats and opportunities and keeping track of how we fit into the big picture of climate action. I spend most of my time thinking about how to improve the interaction between ordinary people and the low carbon transition.

Since becoming obsessed with climate change in 2005, I have tried a lot of different approaches to addressing it, and played a central role in the original campaign against a third runway at Heathrow Airport. I co-founded the 10:10 campaign that later became Possible back in 2009, and I’ve been back since 2013 following a stint designing adventure playgrounds and making eco animations. In what I laughingly call my spare time I run A Free Ride, the campaign to replace Air Passenger Duty with a fairer, greener Frequent Flyer Levy. My wife and I have two ‘lively’ kids.

Skye Golding