Take on the Going Car Free Challenge

Calling drivers across the UK, are you ready for a challenge? Summer’s here and the time is right for the Going Car Free Challenge - a month of climate-friendly travel.

Could you swap your daily commute or school run from the car to the bus? Or cycle? Could you go car-free for a day? A week? A month? How about talking to your friends and family about the importance of clean air, active travel, and people-friendly streets?

Join us Going Car Free from 1st - 30th June 2024. Those ready and willing to take on the challenge will be in for the chance of winning some fantastic prizes.

We know that this challenge isn’t for everyone. Some of you are not in a position to cut your car use, and many of you are already living car-free!

If you can’t sign up yourself, can you think of a friend or family member who might be interested? Click a button below to help spread the word.

Hannah Bland