Tell TfL that London can’t take any more traffic



Consultation closes Tuesday 3rd September


TAKE ACTION NOW 〰️ Consultation closes Tuesday 3rd September 〰️

Back when plans were approved for a new road crossing under the Thames (the Silvertown Tunnel), we teamed up with an architectural visualiser, to show Transport for London how the tunnels could be built to prioritise walking, wheeling and public transport.*

But Transport for London hasn't listened.

The tunnel is on track to be opened next year - and their plans say it will only be open to motor traffic - this will increase congestion and make air pollution worse!

Right now, Transport for London is consulting the public on its plans for Silvertown Tunnel. So we’re speaking up.

Will you join us in opposing new roads and get the best deal for London and the climate?

We’ve built a web tool that makes it quick and easy to respond to the consultation. Simply type in your details, personalise the template email we’ve drafted, and hit ‘SEND’.

*You can see our car-free proposals for Silvertown Tunnel.

Hannah Bland