Five things you can do for Clean Air Day this year

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Thursday 20th June is Clean Air Day - a day to highlight the problems of air pollution, and talk about practical things we can all do to tackle it. And as a climate charity, Possible is keen to mark the occasion - after all, action on air pollution goes hand-in-hand with action on climate change. 

What is air pollution and why should I care about it?  

Air pollution is not just about the way it feels and tastes to be outside. The term refers to a combination of tiny particles that we breathe in and that then settle into our lungs, hearts, brains, and other parts of our bodies. The majority of air pollution in UK’s cities comes from cars and vans - and this is deadly; these particles are linked to lung disease, heart disease, dementia, premature birth, early death, and many more health issues. 

To make matters worse, the people who are most at risk are the least likely to be causing the problem. The current way our cities are structured means that air pollution hits some people harder than others: people living in the most deprived areas, areas with marginalised communities, older people, and disabled people tend to have the lowest rates of car ownership but live in areas with the busiest roads and less green space. Babies and children are also at higher risk. This is partly because their organs are still developing, but also because their mouths and noses are lower and closer to exhaust pipes, meaning they’re more likely to breathe in the pollutants. 

So what’s the solution? 

Air quality in the UK regularly breaches the World Health Organisation's guidelines. We know that motor traffic is to blame for most of the air pollution problems we have in cities across the UK. We have let mass car ownership dominate our cities - choking our air, taking up space and blocking access to fresh air and nature. 

If we want cleaner streets, we need to change how our streets are used - and that means fewer cars, more space, safer cycling, better and more affordable public transport, and lots more trees (see - all things that are good for the climate too).

For this year’s Clean Air Day, Possible wants to get people excited about cleaner, greener cities. We know change can be scary - but by creating positive visions for the future of our streets, we can bring more people onboard with the sort of changes we need to make happen.

Five ways you can take action:

1. If you can, make Clean Air Day a car-free day.

Motor traffic is a huge contributor to these pollutants in UK cities, harming both our health and the planet. If more of us were able to walk, wheel, cycle or use reliable public transport, it would make the air cleaner for us all and help to protect our health and the planet.

To mark Clean Air Day, could you switch up your transport choices to support cleaner, greener streets? There’s still time to get involved in our Going Car Free Challenge, where hundreds of people across the country reduce their car use for the month of June. Sign up to take part today, and you’ll get support, inspiration, and the chance to win some fabulous prizes! 

2. Sign the Clean Air Day petition.

Use your voice to call on our next government to make walking, wheeling and cycling safer, and ensure that everyone can access reliable, affordable and efficient public transport.

3. Email your local council about their parking policies.

Cars dominate our public space. Even in inner cities where most people do not own cars, almost all of our kerbside prioritises cars over the needs of people. This makes walking and wheeling really unappealing, prevents people with wheelchairs, buggies and guide dogs from getting around easily and safely - even forcing them into the dangerous roads - and reinforces the desire to drive even short journeys. Parking policy is therefore key to combating the climate crisis, improving air quality, promoting active, shared, and sustainable travel, making transport more accessible, and delivering safe and attractive streets. 

We’ve created a simple tool so that you can email your local council asking them to take action on parking in your local area. 

4. Design your perfect parklet.

Put simply, parklets are old parking spaces that have been transformed into something for people to enjoy. They are spaces that communities can use to rest, socialise, play, or even just fill with plants. What would you do with the space currently taken up by parked cars? 

Get your climate-fighting creative juices flowing this Clean Air Day with our Design Your Own Parklet tool. Once you’ve done that, don’t forget to help us get more people excited about cleaner, greener streets by sharing your parklet design with friends, neighbours and school, and talking about parklets in your neighbourhood.  

5. Support our work.

At Possible, our vision is a zero carbon UK, built by and for everyone. We show people and politicians across the country that this is possible, and inspire practical action to make sure we get there at the speed required.

Our projects accelerate the shift from car dependency and help people to reimagine their streets, free from the harms of car dominance, and with new freedom to get around by walking, wheeling, cycling or public transport.*

As a registered charity, we rely on donations from people like you.

If you can, please consider donating just £3 a month to support our work.

*Find out more about this work here.

Hannah Bland