Cutting emissions by reducing private car use in UK cities.
Exploring car free futures for London, Paris, and New York City.
Campaigns and projects aiming to decarbonise our heat system.
9 year old Lara is planting trees all over her hometown. Be like Lara.
A new movement of people swapping cars and public transport for active journeys.
Making local renewables work for local people in north Wales.
A rooftop adventure for solar treasure hunters
Helping to fund as many local energy projects as possible before government cuts derailed their plans.
Putting crowdfunded clean energy in Britain's classrooms.
2011 - 2016
Our game where players race to create the first zero carbon city
A week to explore and celebrate climate-friendly cooking
We made a world-first televised climate debate happen between party leaders.
Badgering local councils to switch to low carbon LED street lamps.
Honouring Prince by raising money for solar panels.
When the government tried to cut support for renewables, we didn't let it go down without a fight.
Campaigning to change the clocks for lighter, lower carbon evenings.
2010 - 2012
Unearthing the ground source heat potential from parks.
Challenging 12 drivers to ditch their cars for three weeks to understand opportunities and barriers to car-free living in the city.
Our campaign to demand a fair price for solar energy.
Our one stop shop for inspiring stories of climate change action
2012 - 2017
Powering up Greater Manchester's community buildings with crowdfunded solar power.
Helping the 'fracking village' go solar with community energy.
Getting everyone to cut their carbon emissions by 10% in 2010
2009 - 2010
Community planting days to tackle climate anxiety