Car free visions of areas in London, Paris, and New York help residents support a future with fewer cars Alex KilleenNovember 25, 2022
Climate, wildlife and energy poverty groups urge government to allow new renewable energy projects in England Alex KilleenNovember 24, 2022
New polling finds that over two thirds of people in London, New York and Paris want fewer cars in their cities Alex KilleenNovember 20, 2022
New community Fixing Factory opens on Queen’s Crescent, Camden, to reinvigorate the high street and tackle e-waste Alex KilleenOctober 27, 2022
Climate groups take government to court over “dangerous” aviation strategy Alex KilleenOctober 20, 2022
98% of participants in car free challenge plan on reducing their car use permanently Alex KilleenSeptember 7, 2022
Analysis of ten cities reveals stark cost difference in parking costs and parking suspension costs Alex KilleenAugust 23, 2022
Green organisations complain to the BBC regarding irresponsibility of questioning on climate change in leadership debate Alex KilleenJuly 27, 2022
Aviation industry has missed all but one of 50 climate targets in the 21st century Alex KilleenMay 10, 2022
Excess motor traffic and congestion may be most significant contributor to emergency vehicle delays Alex KilleenApril 26, 2022
Fixing Factory project hits London streets to reduce electrical waste and bolster repair skills Alex KilleenApril 22, 2022
Cutting aviation emissions and expanding green transport would be better for jobs and cost less than airline bailouts, report finds Alex KilleenFebruary 18, 2022
New research calls for disabled people to be at the heart of decision making for low-car cities Alex KilleenFebruary 16, 2022